Saturday, January 30, 2016

Marinara and the Almonds

We had a really awesome lesson in class this Wednesday about the power music has. It's really amazing how quickly music can change our moods and make us feel things, right? 

One song that has recently been a favorite of mine is "I Am Not a Robot" by Marina and the Diamonds. I often find myself feeling insignificant and down. I feel like I'm trying to live up to these false expectations and am missing them by a long shot. And sometimes when I have those kinds of feelings, I feel like I'm not worth caring about and that I'm being way too vulnerable. I really feel like this song encompasses all of the feelings that I have, and it reassures me that it's okay to be weak and vulnerable sometimes. 

"You're vulnerable, you're vulnerable: you are not a robot. You're lovable, so lovable - but you're just troubled."

My best friend and I went and saw Marina a couple of months ago in Salt Lake. And it was so fun. 


  1. Love this! You and Johnny are so cute and I love Marina and the Diamonds too. I really enjoyed that class discussion as well and learning all of the cool facts about music and its effects/relationship to us at different ages.

  2. Love this! You and Johnny are so cute and I love Marina and the Diamonds too. I really enjoyed that class discussion as well and learning all of the cool facts about music and its effects/relationship to us at different ages.
