Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Stepford Wives

For this week's blog post, we'll talk about my current Netflix recommendation. I'm really into dark comedy cult classic movies (like Little Shop of Horrors, Heathers, Rocky Horror Picture Show...), and recently found a really great movie: The Stepford Wives.

Yeah it came out in 2004, and I'm just now seeing it. It has a pretty sweet cast too (Nicole Kidman, Matthew Broderick, Christopher Walken)... but it's overall a really awesome feminist movie. The basic storyline - without giving anything away - is a family from New York City move to the Connecticut suburbs for a change of pace and a new start. When they arrive - something seems off. All of the women in the town fit the 50's steryotype wife - absolutely gorgeous, always dressed in flouncy sundresses, perfect "sex kitten bimbos," waiting on their husbands hand and foot, smiley homemakers with the sole desire to cook and clean. JoAnna (Nicole Kidman) picks up on the odd happenings of the town and begins to investigate. 

The movie (based on a horror book) takes a dark comedy approach as it deals with topics such as gender roles and female empowerment. The men of the town do not support a woman's endeavors and have fragile (and pathetic) views of masculinity and femininity. 

I thought the movie was absolutely great, and despite some major plot holes (which I found out later were due to arguments on set between writers and directors), I gave it 5 stars on Netflix. 

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